Tuesday, January 4, 2011


some people may look at the olympics as something just to watch on tv, and think that the athletes are good and all - but never really think about the athletes themselves, what they have been through - and the olympics in general and how big they actually are - or how much they really mean.

i find the olympics inspiring!

athletes from around the world come to the country where the olympics are taken place and the best of the best athletes compete at their best. each and every athlete is going for the prize - the gold medal! it is intense, breathtaking, and amazing to watch. it is like the world comes together as one - and cheers on their country in hopes of bringing home the title. it is a time to achive everything that you have been working for. make your dreams come true. become a champion or known to the world. to be your best. and to compete in the sport you love.
i find it inspiring that the olympics are only every 4 years. during that four years the athletes are training long and hard - everyday. it inspries me to work hard and to go after what i want - what i desire.

i think of michel phelps and the long hours he trained for and the long hours in the pool.
then i thought of how michel phelps felt when he won eight gold medals.

i think of apolo ohno leg pressing 20 pounds shy of a ton.
then i thought of how apolo ohno felt when he won two gold medels.

i think of lindsay vonn and how many hours she spent in the gym making sure that she is as strong as she can be, to handle the turns on a ski hill.
and i thought about how lindsay vonn felt when she gold medel - the first ever in the event for an American

thrill. love. bliss. ovewhelmed. proud. excited.

here are some workout videos of lindsay vonn that i love:

these are just 3 of many that i mentiond - this post could have been ten pages long. in the end, i am inspired. i watch the olympics every time they are on - winter or summer. i don't just see the olympics as something to watch on tv, or something to watch just to see who wins. it is something to pay attention to. to get inspired. to set dreams and goals  for myself, that one day, just maybe i will be doing the same thing they are. maybe someday i will be standing on that podium representing my country.
there is something about it that makes you proud to be a candaian - and of course inspires me to go far with my sports - farther than my limits and expectations.


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