Going along with the Olympics theme, i couldn't leave out the theme song for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games.
A song that i fell in love with the first time i heard it, and has inspired me ever since. It fit perfectly with the Winter Olympics.
The girl who sings it 'Nikki Yanofsky', is a remarkable singer, and is truly gifted. I thought that it was a great opportunity for her to sing a great song like this at the Olympics...somewhere to get noticed.
Some people are annoyed with the song because they heard it SO many times during the Olympics. for myself, however, there is a completly different perspective. i was looking forward and hoping that, that song would come on, and the commercial to follow it.
it is now one of my favorites and it is, what i call it, 'my pump up song', which means i listen to it before a soccer game or a wrestling match. it encourages me to do my best. to go hard. to play a great game or a great match. i think of all the athletes who competed in the Olympics and are encouraged and inspired by them because of their hard work and their performance. they went to the Olympics pumped with 110% and hopes high that they would win, thinking positively and only about what their game plan is. i want to think that way before a soccer game or a wrestling match.
i want the words of the song to come to life in my very own sports. the words have so much meaning, anyone would be silly to go get a snack or go to the washroom while the song was playing during one of the commericals.
Here are a few of my favorite lines:
sometimes when I feel I've had enough
and I feel like giving up
you willed me to be all I can be
now nothing can stop me
And embrace me to be all I can be
Now nothing can stop me
I believe the time is right now
Stand tall and make the world proud
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