Sarah is living her life to the fullest. She is accomplishing, excelling, and having the time of her life playing her favorite sport so competitively. her story is encouraging, and teachable. she is an athlete with an inspiring story, encouraging young athletes like me to go after the dreams that we are set on. "Hockey has taught me to dream and to follow those dreams until I can touch them and that anything is possible with perseverance and work." - S.V.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sarah Vaillancourt - hockey player. part #2
i love Sarah's story. and i love hers more than most, because she explains exactly what she went through, through her life - thick and thin. it's encouraging to hear a story like this one, and realize that athletes have their ups and downs in life to. watching a youtube video of Olympic athletes doesn't explain anything. they make 'how they got where they are today' seem so easy and simple. so i love that Sarah's story is realistic and true. i love that i found this story now, as i am going through the same thing she was when she was around my age - deciding where to go in life.
i also love the lesson she learned about stepping outside her comfort box and taking risks. it really teaches myself to step outside of my comfort box and be the athlete i need to be instead of the one i want to be. for example, last night at soccer, we were doing some things that i normally wouldn't do, but it is apart of soccer, and i gave it my all to learn something new and apply to the scrimmage we played. Sarah learned that the only way she can accomplish her dream of being on Canada's National hockey team, and playing in the Olympics, was to step outside of her comfort zone, and try something that isn't normal. this story reminded me of a saying i found, "Many are called, but few get up," - Oliver Herford. Sarah was called to that school in Connecticut. she was offered an opportunity right in front of her, and all she had to do was accept. Sarah was one of the people who got up - she went to that school, and was so glad she did. i want to be the girl who gets up. i want to rise to the occasion and accept the opportunities that come my way.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sarah Vaillancourt - hockey player. part #1
Sarah's story:
hockey has always been Sarah's first love. her mom has always said that she was born to be a hockey player. her mom tells her that the day she was born, a huge snowstorm hit Quebec City. now a snowstorm isn't a big deal, but since 1985, a snowstorm has never hit on that day - May 8th. So, she was born in just the right hockey weather and therefore...Sarah was born to be a hockey player! from then on out it is called her 'Cinderella' story. it was meant to be, and the storm was her announcement of her love and passion for hockey. the sport has molded her into the girl she is today. Sarah started skating at the age of 2. her dad would make an ice rink in their backyard and would spend half of his lunch hour teaching Sarah how to skate and stickhandle. she would play hockey 24/7, especially in her basement with her brothers and down the street with friends.
Sarah says she was 12 when she first saw women's hockey. Canada was playing the United States in the final game at the Nagano 1998 Olympic Games, the first time that women’s hockey was introduced to the Games. (might i well add that we dominated the US once again in 2010!!) Sarah was sitting in front of the tv and was in awe when the Canadian hockey players with the maple leaf proudly on their jerseys were jumping onto the ice. she couldn't believe how lucky they were to be playing her favorite sport while representing Canada. she turned to her parents and said, "I'll be there too someday and win a gold medal for Canada."
dream big.
At the age of 17 Sarah had been playing women's hockey for 2 years, but she didn't know what she wanted to do. she hit the point in her life of confusion where she was deciding whether to continue playing hockey or go on with general life. she was known as one of the best athletes in her age group around North America and universities were already recruiting her. but she said that wasn't good enough and wanted more. Sarah had one dream in mind and that was to play on Canada's National Hockey team. she would worker harder than anyone on and off the ice.
after graduating high school, Sarah had two choices...she could either stay in Quebec and do what all of her friends were doing...or step out of her comfort zone, challenge herself, and move to the States to try her best to succeed on and off the ice. she picked a school in Connecticut (Pomfret) and went in as a 17 year old junior speaking barley any english. "It was one of the toughest things that i have ever done, but the people i met there, and the person that i became made all the anxiety, the tears, and the headaches worth it. i went to the school as a talented hard working hockey player and left 2 years later as a confident, purposeful, student-athlete with big dreams and expectations. the school and community made me a stronger person and showed me that I was more than a good hockey player and that I had more to give to others and more to expect from myself than I thought going in. that experience gave me confidence," says Sarah. the second year at the school she became a member of the National Canadian team. Sarah ended up going to Harvard University and graduated with a degree in physiology.
Sarah's dream came true as she did become a member of the National Canadian team, and she did compete in the Olympics - not just once, but twice. Sarah has two Olympic Gold Medals and she has been wearing that Canadian jersey with pride for
the past 7 years. Sarah's passion and love for hockey is still as strong today, and is hoping she will be at the 2014 Olympics. "Hockey has taught me to dream and to follow those dreams until I can touch them and that anything is possible with perseverance and work," - Sarah.
perseverance & determination.
~ amy
hockey has always been Sarah's first love. her mom has always said that she was born to be a hockey player. her mom tells her that the day she was born, a huge snowstorm hit Quebec City. now a snowstorm isn't a big deal, but since 1985, a snowstorm has never hit on that day - May 8th. So, she was born in just the right hockey weather and therefore...Sarah was born to be a hockey player! from then on out it is called her 'Cinderella' story. it was meant to be, and the storm was her announcement of her love and passion for hockey. the sport has molded her into the girl she is today. Sarah started skating at the age of 2. her dad would make an ice rink in their backyard and would spend half of his lunch hour teaching Sarah how to skate and stickhandle. she would play hockey 24/7, especially in her basement with her brothers and down the street with friends.
Sarah officially started playing hockey at the age of 5, but because their were no girls teams, she played in a boys league....and continued playing with them until she was 16. She was usually cut from the 'AA' team because she was a girl, and she got used to it. but this meant she was the best player on the 'BB' team. Sarah has always been a leader by nature, and so being the captain of the boys team is something she strived for. "I wanted to be that player that other players look up to as an example of good character, work ethic and ultimate success," says Sarah. passion.
Sarah says she was 12 when she first saw women's hockey. Canada was playing the United States in the final game at the Nagano 1998 Olympic Games, the first time that women’s hockey was introduced to the Games. (might i well add that we dominated the US once again in 2010!!) Sarah was sitting in front of the tv and was in awe when the Canadian hockey players with the maple leaf proudly on their jerseys were jumping onto the ice. she couldn't believe how lucky they were to be playing her favorite sport while representing Canada. she turned to her parents and said, "I'll be there too someday and win a gold medal for Canada."
dream big.
At the age of 17 Sarah had been playing women's hockey for 2 years, but she didn't know what she wanted to do. she hit the point in her life of confusion where she was deciding whether to continue playing hockey or go on with general life. she was known as one of the best athletes in her age group around North America and universities were already recruiting her. but she said that wasn't good enough and wanted more. Sarah had one dream in mind and that was to play on Canada's National Hockey team. she would worker harder than anyone on and off the ice.
after graduating high school, Sarah had two choices...she could either stay in Quebec and do what all of her friends were doing...or step out of her comfort zone, challenge herself, and move to the States to try her best to succeed on and off the ice. she picked a school in Connecticut (Pomfret) and went in as a 17 year old junior speaking barley any english. "It was one of the toughest things that i have ever done, but the people i met there, and the person that i became made all the anxiety, the tears, and the headaches worth it. i went to the school as a talented hard working hockey player and left 2 years later as a confident, purposeful, student-athlete with big dreams and expectations. the school and community made me a stronger person and showed me that I was more than a good hockey player and that I had more to give to others and more to expect from myself than I thought going in. that experience gave me confidence," says Sarah. the second year at the school she became a member of the National Canadian team. Sarah ended up going to Harvard University and graduated with a degree in physiology.
Sarah's dream came true as she did become a member of the National Canadian team, and she did compete in the Olympics - not just once, but twice. Sarah has two Olympic Gold Medals and she has been wearing that Canadian jersey with pride for
perseverance & determination.
~ amy
a closer look at B.H.
you know me...when i'm inspired, my mind goes into 'let's try new things mode', or 'wow, i want to be just like her...and i mean exactly.' so after the movie soul surfer i looked at my mom and said "great, now i have to learn how to surf before I die." i also commented on how i am some what like her....of course i would never know exactly unless i was put into that situation, but we do share the same determination and the fact that we will never give up until we accomplish our goals.
sooo, i did visit her website...i just had to do some research on her. here is a video i found of Bethany Hamilton - herself telling her very own story. here is another i found where she talks about fear...and fearless she sure is!
this is just another look at this amazing girl, who is so strong willed and fearless. and might i add, i did go see it a second time....and of course with a mom who loved it as much as i did, she will be pulling out the debit card as soon as it gets out on dvd!!!
sooo, i did visit her website...i just had to do some research on her. here is a video i found of Bethany Hamilton - herself telling her very own story. here is another i found where she talks about fear...and fearless she sure is!
this is just another look at this amazing girl, who is so strong willed and fearless. and might i add, i did go see it a second time....and of course with a mom who loved it as much as i did, she will be pulling out the debit card as soon as it gets out on dvd!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Can I stir that for you??
was reading Bethany Hamilton's blog, and one blog post really got me thinking. ~side note: Bethany 's blog posts aren't as long in writing as mine, but when she does's all coming from the heart. very wise girl! back to now my blog....this particular blog post was something i could relate to completely, and i started to wonder if just like me, Bethany is very independent.
i started thinking....hmmm....this is a life lesson i could learn from. i am sooo independent. i hate to be wrong and i hate to admit i need help. but...there are those moments in my sports life where i tell my coach i need help, or a i don't get this, or what am i supposed to do when this scenario happens??? but in situations and circumstances it's all me or nothing. so, i felt like this blog was speaking to me. in 'those' situations when i need help the most and need a shoulder to lean on, it's God who can come and help me. it is God who can come and stir my cup that needs to be stirred out - clear with provision. by allowing God to lead my life, especially in those times of confusion, those times would be so much more peaceful...and, really, who doesn't want that? not just in my sports life, but in all of my life. i need to look to the one who sees the full picture and who can take over stirring my cup for me, and do a much better job. take over God. take my cup (life) and stir (lead) it!
thank-youBethany for the inspiring blog post!!
i started thinking....hmmm....this is a life lesson i could learn from. i am sooo independent. i hate to be wrong and i hate to admit i need help. but...there are those moments in my sports life where i tell my coach i need help, or a i don't get this, or what am i supposed to do when this scenario happens??? but in situations and circumstances it's all me or nothing. so, i felt like this blog was speaking to me. in 'those' situations when i need help the most and need a shoulder to lean on, it's God who can come and help me. it is God who can come and stir my cup that needs to be stirred out - clear with provision. by allowing God to lead my life, especially in those times of confusion, those times would be so much more peaceful...and, really, who doesn't want that? not just in my sports life, but in all of my life. i need to look to the one who sees the full picture and who can take over stirring my cup for me, and do a much better job. take over God. take my cup (life) and stir (lead) it!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
a saying from my trainer...
"The pain of discipline is far greater than the pain of regret."
My point is proven: live with no regrets. Push yourself to do all things and anything so you will have no regrets.
My point is proven: live with no regrets. Push yourself to do all things and anything so you will have no regrets.
i will go
while paying close attention to the v. family's blog, 2 blog posts i keep reading over and over again. they explained their journey from the beginning with no details left out. it was pretty neat to see exactly what they went through. one line she prayed to God has always stuck out to me. she said: "God, i can't tell if this crazy notion i have is just my love for orphans, or if it is your will for our future. you know what's best for our family. i just want your will for our family, not my own, and i can't tell the difference..."
I thought that was so cool, and thought about that in my own life, but a little different. here is my version... "God, you know what is best for me, I want your will for my life not mine. I want to follow you, where you lead me because i know your plans are the best for my life. Help me realize this, and live for you every day."
And just the other night at youth, we sang an amazing song, dealing with exactly that. the words hit me like a bundle of bricks and that second i thought of the v. family and also applied it to my own life....
To the desperate eyes and reaching hands
To the suffering and the lean
To the ones the world has cast aside
Where you want me I will be
I will go, I will go
I will go, Lord send me
To the world, To the lost
To the poor and hungry
Take everything I am
I'm clay within your hands
I will go, I will go, send me
Let me not be blind with privilege
Give me eyes to see the pain
Let the blessing you've poured out on me
Not be spent on me in vain
Let this life be used for change
I wanna live for you
Go where you lead me
I wanna follow you
Send me!
Send me God, I will go. I want to follow you.
I thought that was so cool, and thought about that in my own life, but a little different. here is my version... "God, you know what is best for me, I want your will for my life not mine. I want to follow you, where you lead me because i know your plans are the best for my life. Help me realize this, and live for you every day."
And just the other night at youth, we sang an amazing song, dealing with exactly that. the words hit me like a bundle of bricks and that second i thought of the v. family and also applied it to my own life....
To the desperate eyes and reaching hands
To the suffering and the lean
To the ones the world has cast aside
Where you want me I will be
I will go, I will go
I will go, Lord send me
To the world, To the lost
To the poor and hungry
Take everything I am
I'm clay within your hands
I will go, I will go, send me
Let me not be blind with privilege
Give me eyes to see the pain
Let the blessing you've poured out on me
Not be spent on me in vain
Let this life be used for change
I wanna live for you
Go where you lead me
I wanna follow you
Send me!
Send me God, I will go. I want to follow you.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Soul Surfer ~ Bethany Hamiliton
my life has changed. my perspective has changed. my perspective on life has changed. how can a one hour forty six minute movie change my perspective so much? how can my life change that fast. tell me how??? the trailer doesn't even match it. i reply with simple can it not? how can your perspective on life not change when you watch a movie like this, about a girl so strong willed, with a perspective so good, and knows what life and love is all about. how can you not want to be like Bethany Hamilton? how can she not be a role model in your life?

Bethany has a passion for surfing, that's where she is going with her life. this was her future. until one afternoon a shark ripped off her left arm while she was surfing. from that moment Bethany 's life was changed. bad, but good (we'll get to the good). sure, she lost an arm. how could you manage? your day to day basic living style becomes a whole new routine. your looks are different, and others don't look at you the same. Bethany 's surfing life changed. surfing its self became one hundred times harder. but Bethany became a whole new person. she became stronger, and her perspective changed, her life changed as she realized that her life is not all about surfing. i learned so much from this movie. my favorite line was when she was laying on the hospital bed and her and her dad looked at each other and said together "I can do all things through God who strengthens me." it was that line that helped her through the training, and the falls, and the hard times. it was that line that made her fearless and so brave and helped her get back on that board. it was that line that encouraged her to keep to faith and push through to the end. it is that line that made her manage with only one arm. and it is that line that has gotten her where she is today - excelling as a professional surfer. she looked to God for her strength. she kept on pushing and seeking God's plan for her life, even though is was hard and difficult and not easy to see.
i was reminded in this movie about an example that i have heard before. someone shows you a picture, and you can guess all you want at what it is, but when the actual picture is revealed, the blown up picture before didn't even look like what it actually was. - we only see the blown up picture. we only see a 'part' of the picture, but God see's the full picture. we only see the situation and mess but God see's our life and knows where and when that situation will turn into something good. Bethany only saw what was going on in her life right then and there. Bethany could only look down and see one arm hanging from her upper body. she could only see how difficult life was. but God could see the full picture. and God could see the outcome of her life. he could see down the road to Bethany's life where she is a professional surfer, even with one arm. God knew Bethany's plan for her life. that example helped Bethany change her perspective.
and the coolest thing of all, is that she wouldn't change a thing. she wouldn't go back to that day in October, where a shark ripped her arm off. and only because now, she can share her faith with others around the world. she can now inspire others to go after their dreams, to follow their passions and heart no matter what circumstance or situation. 2 arms or one...the dream and passion is still the same...and will never change until accomplished.

and then there is me, Amy Bennett, dreams as high as the sky, and ready to accomplish them conquering anything that get's in my way. because just like Bethany Hamilton has shown me and many others .... nothing is impossible, especially with God on your side. i think to myself, if Bethany can become who she is today with only one arm...then really what is stopping me? what is stopping me from achieving my dreams. the answer should be nothing. and that is what i think of when i run track, play soccer...anything in life. i can do and achieve anything in life, reminding myself of Bethany Hamilton, and with the help of God on my side - the ultimate strength giver. i can do all things through God who stregthens me.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
one day without shoes...
April 5th (which was 5 days ago, i know, but with a project that took me 8 looong hours to complete, and a busy sports schedule the past few days, the blog post will just have to do with being posted tonight....anyways...) is the annual One Day Without Shoes event for TOMS shoes, creating awareness around the world for kids living in poverty who experience 'wearing no shoes' every single day. if only i knew earlier that a few short days ago April 5th was no shoes day, then i would have planned something. i didn't know until my mom showed me the headline news when we got onto the internet. ( this video is a closer look about what One Day Without Shoes is about.)
what a great idea. Blake is such a creative guy and i love his heart. he is so aware of the kids in other countries, like this one....
who go without wearing shoes day after day. who have infections and have no way to heal them. who aren't complaining and whining at all. who, like the rest of their friends and family, are looking for hope.
~ amy
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