Wednesday, September 28, 2011

the perspective of a blog

This blog started out as just writing down some things that inspire me. At the beginning, all I wrote about was athletes. Part of me felt like I was repeating myself over and over again, but just with a different athlete's name with a different background. Now, I still talk about athletes but with a whole new perspective. This blog has turned into its own little life lessons that I have been learning a long the way, especially this summer when I learned some lessons about patience, injuries, and myself.
As much as this sounds like a good-bye, I'm not done blogging yet. Blog posts might slow down, and they might be a little different than earlier - BUT the title of my blog still remains. I. am. inspired. is still the main purpose of this blog, and as you can probably happens a lot.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

the athlete's prayer

The Athlete’s Prayer:
Lord, please clear my head of all distractions, and my heart of burdens I may bear, so I may perform my very best, knowing you'll always be there.
Please lift me up before the moment, so through your eyes I may see. And have a clearer understanding as the game unfolds before me.
With great courage I will meet this challenge, as you would have me to. But keep me humble and remind me that my strength comes from you. Then when all eyes are upon me at the end of this game, I will turn their eyes to you, oh Lord, and to the glory of your name.

That’s my purpose for playing soccer - besides the rush and excitement and challenge and competiveness - it's to glorify God with all of my talents and abilities.

P.S. Thank-you Brooklyn Tabernacle merchandise (that I stood and wrote down on an iPhone notepad while waiting for others to was too good not to :) )