track season is here. i am so happy. it took a little bit of convincing from my friend, and coaches, and reminding myself that it is worth a try, and that high school track is different then my little private school track. after a couple practices i was sold! so in love. so love it. so understand why i am doing track. there is something about running. just something that i love. my little private school was difficult to realize actually how good you are. i knew i was faster than everyone in my grade at the races i was doing, so i needed competition to help me run faster and push myself. ya, that was the challenge. i was pretty much racing against time. then you go to the meets against other schools, in London, and you realize that you aren't that fast or that you could have practiced more to do better. we also just ran around the school which is not the best thing to do. and not good for your shins at all. now in high school everything is different. there are so many options to choose from. so many possible things that you could do. and so much more competition and coaches to help you and guide you. so far track has been going great. i love going to practices. i love that each day is different. i love that there are so many things that i could do, for example: hurdles. i have always wanted to try them when i hit the high school level. i must say they are not as easy as they look. don't judge them by Olympic videos that you watch on youtube. they make it seem so easy. it takes time and work and is all about technique. i don't know if hurdles and amy bennett match up and really don't know if i will be doing them. but it is worth a try, and great practice. it is just that my legs aren't long enough, and apparently i'm not all that flexible. so if hurdles don't happen this year, maybe another year. right now i am focusing on what i do best: sprinting. who knew that their could be so much technique in a simple stride. i am learning so much. sidenote: (if you get grossed out easily, don't read) i have some problems with warming up. ya just a simple warm up run makes me want to gag. i get really hot and feel like i am going to throw up. but then after i cool off and stretch, i am ready to go and feel great for the rest of the practice. we asked our workout trainor at the gym, and he said that it is normal because of the time you are running at. i tried eating something different in my last period class to see if that had anything to do with it. i felt better, still not perfect but better. so weird. those few minutes aren't fun but doesn't make me want to quit. i'm a trooper and will stick to it. after hearing the ok from our workout trainor, and kowing that it is actually normal...those few minutes don't even matter. (if you got grossed out and didn't read the part above...continuing reading now) i love track too much. great sport!
thank-you coaches and my close friend for your convincing and encouragement. i'm so happy with the results. so happy that i am continuing track which i have been doing my whole life - ever since grade 1 to be exact. so glad that after the desission was made - 'i'm doing track', memories came flooding back of why i continued running and trying my whole life. which reminds me, i still need to hand in my permission form. oops! :)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
More than ever I have been thinking about my 'sports life' and my upcoming soccer season. along with that i can not stop thinking about how blessed i am. how blessed i have been in the past however many years i have been playing soccer, and how blessed i will be this summer and the many more years there are to come. now i won't bore you talk about being blessed a lot like i have in some past blog posts but there is only one person to thank for that, and that is my God. he has blessed me with this terrific life that i get to live everyday. and he is the one who has blessed me with my ability to play sports and excel in them. he is the one who gave me my life and the attitude i have towards sports. how can i get over that? how can you think otherwise when i am loving what i am doing? i could not see myself doing anything else with my life. not being an artist, not being a lawyer, not being an accountant, not being a stay at home mom, not being a doctor. nothing. there is nothing that can top playing sports. nothing can top that thrill or feeling of accomplishment. nothing can top that passion or love of mine. my life is amazing and i love what i am doing. Thank-you God.
And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us. And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.
And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us. And if our God is with us, then what could stand against.
~ amy
Sunday, March 27, 2011
failure ~ success

so what would i do if i knew i couldn't fail? a lot of things. what do i do now when i know i just might fail? a lot of things. because i know that i will find success in the end.
~ amy
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Amy Rodriguez - my twin!
Ok, I have seen way to many robins, and the weather has been nice. soccer season is near! and what other way to celebrate then talk about a soccer player, that i think is just like me, and i can try to be like her this summer. she is a professional soccer player. she is currently playing for the Philadelphia Independence and is a member of the United States national soccer team. she also competed in the 2008 Olympics. this video shares how we are so alike, not to mention we have the same names, (and A-rod is her nickname. Mine is blondie. big surprise there).
i find it pretty cool that we both have the same mind set. we both want coaches and players to look to us to make a difference in the game. to make a positive impact. and we both have big goals that we want to achieve.
her advice to girls who want to play professional soccer someday...."My advice would be to set a goal and not to stop until you achieve it. Anything is possible!" - Amy
Thank you Amy!! :)

i find it pretty cool that we both have the same mind set. we both want coaches and players to look to us to make a difference in the game. to make a positive impact. and we both have big goals that we want to achieve.
her advice to girls who want to play professional soccer someday...."My advice would be to set a goal and not to stop until you achieve it. Anything is possible!" - Amy
Thank you Amy!! :)
don't we kind of look alike??......sort of?? |
~ amy
Thursday, March 17, 2011
my favorite soccer game
ahhh, my favorite soccer game. i remember it like it was yesterday. we were playing against Chatham here in Sarnia . we were wearing our white jerseys (which were everyone's favorite because they actually 'fit' and every time we wore the red ones we lost). beautiful day. we never lost a game against Chatham yet, but they were the hardest team we played. they scored two quick ones on us. no one saw them coming, and they weren’t possible to save, (if you play soccer then you know the goals i am talking about. the ones that feel so light on your feet and go right over the goalies head into the neat. my favorite :) ). anyways then we scored one. we were down by one and it was halftime. by halftime the rain started to come. when i say rain, i mean downpour. our 'inspirational speech' (so we call them) at half time was very encouraging. our coach was telling us to relax. slow it down. play our game. there is no rush. we only need one to tie and two to win. we got this. we went out second half heads high, and drenched. it was still pouring rain. i must say it was so much fun to play in, but so hard. you would get so tired just from running a few meters because our jerseys were so heavy. but we scored again. it was tied. one more to go, and the game was ours. i found that this game, more than most, we were really playing as a team. we pulled it together as a team and were creating new plays. yes, we did score again! we won the game. at the end of the game our coach said a few nice words on how we really pulled it together as a team. this game taught us that we can come from behind and still win. we all (especially me) went home with heads high, and jerseys soaked. best game ever....
now for the worst game ever...ya we won't even go there...let's just say lessons learned. :)
now for the worst game ever...ya we won't even go there...let's just say lessons learned. :)
my top 3
This blog is all about things and people that inspire me. you have probably noticed that there is a lot and that word doesn't even cover it. but that is who i am. even small and little things inspire me, and i never want to loose sight of that. sure there small, but they have a big impact on my life. that is why my life is different from most teenagers, because i have a different perspective on life. because i pay attention to the small things people may skip by or fast forward. because i am inspired by soooo much, that makes me the girl i am today. so without further or do, here are the top 3 things that inspire me. you may wonder how could you come up with your top 3, let alone 3?? it was actually easy, with very specific reasons....
1. Olympic athletes (you all saw this one coming).
They inspire me to be the athlete i am today. to work hard. to push past the pain. They inspire me because of their backgrounds. How each and everyone of them followed their dreams and goals to get to where they are today. They never lost sight in the end reward.
2. Kids with cancer.
I love their perspective on life. they have no reason to be happy and joyful, they are stuck in a hospital. they are kids. they are supposed to be outside playing with their friends, skipping rope, pretending to be a princess or a superman, but instead they are stuck in a hospital day after day. they shouldn't have to endure that. but they say that they now know the meaning of life. they have the most positive spirits. they inspire me to be a better person. here i am blessed with opportunities but still find something to complain about, and here this kids are with nothing i have, but as happy as ever. should it not be the other way around? well it's not and for that, they inspire me to look at life with a positive perspective. to count my blessings.
3. Kids in places likeAfrica playing soccer on the streets.
These kids break my heart. kids with such talent and ability will never get the chance to further their skills or play soccer competitively. only on the dirt streets with their friends. they inspire me to work my butt off. the opportunities i have had with my soccer life is overwhelming and i feel like it is my job to work hard for the kids who will never get to. who will never get the opportunities i have, even though they deserve it more than me.
There you have it. my top 3 things that inspire me. so touching. so inspiring. they make my life what it is today - blessed and joyful!
1. Olympic athletes (you all saw this one coming).
They inspire me to be the athlete i am today. to work hard. to push past the pain. They inspire me because of their backgrounds. How each and everyone of them followed their dreams and goals to get to where they are today. They never lost sight in the end reward.
2. Kids with cancer.
I love their perspective on life. they have no reason to be happy and joyful, they are stuck in a hospital. they are kids. they are supposed to be outside playing with their friends, skipping rope, pretending to be a princess or a superman, but instead they are stuck in a hospital day after day. they shouldn't have to endure that. but they say that they now know the meaning of life. they have the most positive spirits. they inspire me to be a better person. here i am blessed with opportunities but still find something to complain about, and here this kids are with nothing i have, but as happy as ever. should it not be the other way around? well it's not and for that, they inspire me to look at life with a positive perspective. to count my blessings.
3. Kids in places like
These kids break my heart. kids with such talent and ability will never get the chance to further their skills or play soccer competitively. only on the dirt streets with their friends. they inspire me to work my butt off. the opportunities i have had with my soccer life is overwhelming and i feel like it is my job to work hard for the kids who will never get to. who will never get the opportunities i have, even though they deserve it more than me.
There you have it. my top 3 things that inspire me. so touching. so inspiring. they make my life what it is today - blessed and joyful!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
my mottos
my motto for everyday life and especially sports has always been: no regrets. and after reading apolo ohno's book, that confirmed my motto as being number one. you always look back on the things that you wish you did. not what you did do, but what you could have done. i don't want that to transpire. i want to live my life every single day with zero regrets. none.
this is what i think about when i work out and/or play a game. two words encourages me to give it all i got. to lay everything down. to leave feeling happy, and proud of myself, not saying i could have gave a little more. another saying or motto i found interesting and really thought about was:

this is what i think about when i work out and/or play a game. two words encourages me to give it all i got. to lay everything down. to leave feeling happy, and proud of myself, not saying i could have gave a little more. another saying or motto i found interesting and really thought about was:
first, i read this on a lu lu lemon bag and recently discovered it on a card website. why do i want to do something that scares me everyday? first and foremost face your fear, and learn how to. fear is the major obstacle that people face while achieving their dreams. another thing i thought of was take every opportunity there is. some may not seem appealing. some may be awkward. some may sound silly. and some may sound pointless. i say take it. you never know what is going to happen. could turn out to be the best day of your life.
my mottos: live with zero regrets. do one thing a day that scares you or in other words, take every opportunity that might come your way.
don't miss out. live your life to it's full potential.
Monday, March 14, 2011
127 hours between a rock and a hard place
great sunday afternoon! went to church, had our traditional lunch, and then settled down to watch a thriller movie that had me saying, "oh my", and "ughh" through the entire hour and a half. but no question about it - amazing movie. crazy story. if you have never seen the movie (that did win an award at the Oscars), or read the book, or in any case never heard about it, this picture says it all......

please, don't get freaked out, or grossed out by the picture. if i can watch it you can. it is an inspiring movie, that has me excited to read the book now. amazing, hard headed young man, which one situation changed his life forever. it kind of, believe it or not, encourages me to keep going in a soccer game or wrestling match, when i get hurt. (you know pushed or shoved or tripped by a girl who is mad at me because...i started it..ya...) get up - noting could be more painful than that! (count on me to see everything with a soccer aspect!)
quite a good lesson to never give up - who would in this case, i can't answer that......keep going when things look, well impossible to solve, just like Aron!
and here is the trailer!
quite a good lesson to never give up - who would in this case, i can't answer that......keep going when things look, well impossible to solve, just like Aron!
and here is the trailer!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Goals for this Summer
Recently (before today, when i look outside and all i see snow!) i have been thinking about summer - more specifically - soccer season. i think wrestling and the motivated Darby Huckle really got my head wrapped around the idea that i need to be 'jacked' for this season. she has taught me great life lessons just by watching her practice, or when i walk by the weight room at lunch and see her working out everyday. i have started looking at soccer in a whole new perspective! how my soccer season can be different from last season. along with that, thinking about how i can improve my soccer skills, how being more in shape can help me, how i can be more serious, and focusing on being mentally prepared (thank-you Lyle). i also have been thinking about if soccer is going to be in my future. i sure want it to be. it is where my heart and passion is. and that means that i have to take it seriously now. i have to look at soccer with a different perspective then other girls. for them it is just a game and competition. for me it is so much more. it's a lesson. you learn something new every time. i take it so much more seriously!
to make this season different from the rest, must mean working out more. being more in shape can improve my soccer game. recently, i have been working out a lot. and planning my summer with working out on my everyday agenda. i won't ramble on about where i have been going, and what i have been doing. but let me just say this: i have never been so healthy and in shape. don't believe me? here is the proof! all of my summer clothes from last year don't fit. (not a good time for this to happen because i need to save for my vacation toParis it looks i am living in soccer shorts this summer!) no, i am not trying to loose weight. my goal is to gain more muscle and less fat.
my overall goal is for this to be the best soccer season yet. i strive to be a better soccer player and with my perspective it's time to take it to the next level. i want my soccer skills to continue. i want to be more in shape. i want Fall to hit, and be proud of what i have accomplished this summer. i want to have zero regrets. zero. none. we are going into a much harder league, but i have a new perspective, stronger than any team or player. goals aren't there to dream about, they are there to be accomplished. and that can only happen if you work towards them. you must go after your goal, because it's not coming to you. i look to this video for motivation. (keep pressing next until you see 'Lauren Cheney')
bring it on! i'm ready! i can not wait for the summer!

still love this picture! soccer season - here i come!
to make this season different from the rest, must mean working out more. being more in shape can improve my soccer game. recently, i have been working out a lot. and planning my summer with working out on my everyday agenda. i won't ramble on about where i have been going, and what i have been doing. but let me just say this: i have never been so healthy and in shape. don't believe me? here is the proof! all of my summer clothes from last year don't fit. (not a good time for this to happen because i need to save for my vacation to
my overall goal is for this to be the best soccer season yet. i strive to be a better soccer player and with my perspective it's time to take it to the next level. i want my soccer skills to continue. i want to be more in shape. i want Fall to hit, and be proud of what i have accomplished this summer. i want to have zero regrets. zero. none. we are going into a much harder league, but i have a new perspective, stronger than any team or player. goals aren't there to dream about, they are there to be accomplished. and that can only happen if you work towards them. you must go after your goal, because it's not coming to you. i look to this video for motivation. (keep pressing next until you see 'Lauren Cheney')
bring it on! i'm ready! i can not wait for the summer!
To accomplish your goal, you have to be willing to sacrifice beyond what others are willing to sacrifice; you have to be willing to train at levels others are not willing to train at; you have to be willing to accept accomplishing goals that others have never reached.
~ Apolo Ohno
still love this picture! soccer season - here i come!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
LOVE this commercial .... (so far...watched it 4 times in the past 10 minutes)
i WILL be the best athlete i can be
i WILL have no limits
i WILL push myself farther then i think is possible
i WILL work harder than ever before
i WILL give all i've got
i WILL dig deeper
i WILL because i want to
i WILL because i love
i WILL be the best athlete i can be
i WILL be the best athlete i can be
i WILL have no limits
i WILL push myself farther then i think is possible
i WILL work harder than ever before
i WILL give all i've got
i WILL dig deeper
i WILL because i want to
i WILL because i love
i WILL be the best athlete i can be
My World
This is my world. My life. My dreams to live out. My goals to achieve. My wants. My passions. My desires. My love.
No one else can take that away from me. No friend, no competitor, no family member, no boyfriend.
My world is my world and will be lived to its full potential.
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