i am an athlete. i. am. an. athlete. i work hard. i work my butt off every workout and practice. i am determined to finish everything i start. determined to finish every workout to the best of my ability and then some. i am the kind of girl who likes to cross all of her t's and dot all of her i's. i am committed. i commit myself to sports. i go to every practice ready to work hard. i am dedicated. there is
no stopping me. i put 110% into every sport that i participate in. i push myself past my limits because i prepare myself - mentally and psysically. when my body is tired and ready to give up, that doesn't matter, my mind is a lot stronger than my body. i am an athlete. this is what i live for. these are the kind of things that i think about. these are the sentences i describe myself with. these are the things that i remind myself when i work out. i am an athlete. this is what i think about. do i sound like an Olympic athlete??? good! i have been watching a lot of Olympic athlete videos latly. no joke though - the paragraph up above is real.
people don't understand that when you deside to be an athlete - when you have a love and a passion as big as mine, when you have a dream that you know you can and want to achieve - this is what you live for. even at the age of 15. my parents always taught me to go after what i want and to go after the dream not the competition, or in some cases - friends. sure, i am only 15.
some may say i'm too young, or that who cares if you eat unhealthy now, you will burn it off, you're skinny. wrong, wrong, wrong. it does start now. i can't become who i am dreaming of now when i am 26 and need a good work out trainer because i am not in shape. it does start now. that's why i have decided not to drink pop - it dehydrates you and there is not one good thing in that 'can' at all. that's why i choose not to eat pizza. too much fat and grease. sure, sometimes i do have chocolate, sure sometimes i have chips, and juice. they are bad for you too.
it's not like i am going on a diet or anything, just cutting some things down to stay healthier. i am not an Olympic athlete, i am not eating just enough every day to gain muscle but lose weight. don't worry. i am not that nuts....yet!
there is something about working out that is 'fun' (?) ya, enjoyable. some may think that it can be draining and nothing but pain and suffering, thinking in their head "what am i doing here!" while i am having fun, enjoying every minute, knowing that it is nothing but rewarding!
it pays off, you just need to see the bigger picture. the reward down the road.
i realize that there are a lot of girls out there with the same goals i do.
that doesn't stop me...they don't have the same perspective i do.
instead of going on facebook, i spend my computer time watching videos of athletes like lindsey vonn and apolo ohno.
videos such as
this ,
this ,
and this . (don't feel like you have to watch them all! :) ) seeing their workouts, sacrifices, and hearing how they love what they are doing inspires me.
i spend friday nights playing soccer and working out with my team, getting ready for the season - instead of going to parties.
it inspires me to hear that lindsey vonn literally has no social life because in the summer she goes to the gym about 9am and stays there until it closes.
for apolo ohno just read
this blog post to see his commitment.
before mike weir became who he was today, he would of course practice, but instead of going to parties he would be out on the course practicing and furthering his skills.
not everyone can be an athlete.
being an athlete, and being 'this into the game' can be a sacrifice.
your time, all of your energy, and your diet.
good choices.
but it's all a part of the game, and i wouldn't change the game for anything.
this is where my life is.
this is what i see myself doing down the road.
this is what i want to continue with my life.
my goal is to be the best athlete i can be, whether achieving my own personal goals or literally being on top for everyone to know my name.
as for now, i will enjoy working out pretty much every day.
going to soccer practice and wrestling practice. training with the senior girls at my school just for the experience, more time with the ball, and of course the exercise (hopefully that all works out with the coach!). like i said,
i am an athlete full of commitment, dedication, passion, love, and determination.
there is no stopping me.
i love what i'm doing.
i love every day of my living life because if involves sports.
because i get to live everyday doing what i love the most.
i am an athlete.
i am in love!